Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's not your fault!

Have you ever been yelled at by a coach? Shown a drill one time and was expected to do it perfectly? You didn't perform to the coach's standards...guess was probably not your fault!!

Movement has always been an innate skill that young athletes either possess or don't. You have heard the coaches yell 'FASTER' and 'GET THERE' as they try and motivate you "move" better or quicker.

The idea that an athlete's ability to learn or be taught movement that will progressively be molded and improve over time is still a hot debate topic among coaches. As I'm sure you have heard a coach or parent say...'well he/she is just slow and there is nothing you can do about it.'

It's not the athlete who is lacking anything in particular which is keeping them from acquiring the correct movement patterns, it's the coach or trainer who is lacking...lacking a well thought out progressive system that teaches fundamental movement strategies.

The system evolves with the athlete over time and follows them through their critical growth and developmental years, molding efficient movement patterns to which speed strength and power can be applied at appropriate times.

If you would like to learn more about how our system can help you as an athlete or make you a better coach visit

Stay strong!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Athletic Development: Work + Rest = Success

For the competitive young athlete, the rigorous demands of practice, academics, competition and maintaining a social life can be overwhelming. With the beginning of Fall the Flu season is just around the corner. The repetitive stress of a busy life can sap the energy out of anyone, especially a teenager, leaving the immune system vulnerable.

Through proper rest, nutrition and a balanced strength and conditioning program you can protect yourself from illness and improve your performance in the class room as well as on the field or court.